Blooming Where You Are Planted
The heat and drought continue at Foxglove this summer but you’d never know it when viewing the brave show this heat-loving border of perennials is putting on. They continue to “bloom where they are planted” and proclaim that sunshine in abundance is perfectly fine as far as they are concerned.
Daylilies and echinacea, bee balm (which the bees of course adore) and blue salvia are flourishing.
I knew when we planted them about a year ago, that they would come into their own in the hottest part of summer when the rest of my flowers would be kicking up their heels in dismay over any prolonged heat.
The hummingbirds and butterflies have been hard at work in these crowded beds, there’s a particular little hummer that comes down and stands watch over “his” flowers.
Little mischief sits like a furious marble-sized guardian, oozing indignation at any bird or squirrel who dares approach the vast array of beautiful blooms (I’d say there’s more than enough for him to share but what would I know of the workings of that tiny brain?)
Totally fearless, he comes down when I’m out “scurrying through the beds” as Gertrude Jekyll that marvelous old-time Britsh gardener used to say. He grudgingly allows Agatha & I safe passage but occasionally buzzes right over our heads just so I know he’s keeping his eye on us!
Hummingbird At Foxglove Farm
Even Agatha, the comfort spaniel that she is, enjoys a short morning sunbath while pretending to help me with the weeding chores. She lays in the grass and along with the hummingbird watches for possible squirrel encroachments as I work to remove the weeds that weedlike, always seem to flourish in spite of any lack of rain.
Agatha of Agatha's Apothecary
Soon, though, little miss remembers that she’s not had her breakfast and as the sun comes out in earnest she stares hard at me, clearing saying she’s had all the fun she can stand for one day and there are culinary delights waiting in the kitchen.
I hope this finds you enjoying a few flowers and perhaps some delights in your kitchen as well. I’m pondering the addition of a hammock, good garden help is hard to come by and deserves a perk now and then I’m thinking!